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Abuse (Help the Victim)

Abuse (Help the Victim)

Abuse: Who to talk to

Abuse: Who to talk to

Genesis Center North Texas

Genesis Center North Texas

10 Ideas for Mastering Strong Emotions at Home
To fill our hearts and homes with love, we must bridle all our passions and help our children do the same.
Church Leader Resource Guide to Family Services
The top portion in each section is from the “Church Leader Resource Guide to Family Services” Handout and the second portion is bullet-points from the discussion held during the Resource Share ZOOM meeting. “The Resource Guide basically outlines all the things that Family Services does and also provides many useful links.”
This document includes general guidelines and statements from Church leaders to support those guiding the preparation and assessment of missionary candidates. LDS Family Services can consult on specific cases or complete a pre-mission assessment.
Strengthening Pre-Mission Preparation
This document includes general guidelines and statements from Church leaders to support those guiding the preparation and assessment of missionary candidates. LDS Family Services can consult on specific cases or complete a pre-mission assessment.
What Every Mission President hopes for in a Missionary
Lists important characteristics in a missionary, like emotionally strong and spiritually prepared, and how to develop them.


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